Most believers know the importance of Jesus' words in John 15: "Abide in Me." But at the end of each day we look back and feel that we were distant from His presence, and failed to yield the Godly fruit He desires. In Abiding in the Secret Place, Drs. Dennis and Jen Clark help everyday believers create a constant place of close encounters with God.

Drs. Dennis and Jen Clark have spent years cultivating their daily communion with the Lord and trained thousands of everyday Christians to do the same. Having struggled, learned, and grown in this practice, they are able to help you create a constant place of secret encounters with God.

In Abiding in the Secret Place, the Clarks offer practical "how-tos" that will transform you from the inside out. Including the full-length version of the Christian classic, Practicing the Presence of God, the Clarks take it a step further, giving you practical strategies to experience the same supernatural communion with God that Brother Lawrence enjoyed. You will learn to walk out of your prayer closet without leaving the sense of God's supernatural presence behind!

Their revelatory insights will teach you:

  • To recognize the whispers of your Father in Heaven calling you closer
  • How to fully yield yourself to the Lord
  • Steps to breaking free from toxic emotions that war against closeness with God
  • The importance of forgiving from the secret place
  • How to stay in peace, regardless of your circumstances

Don’t waste another day in fruitless living! Step into your secret place and learn to live every moment under the canopy of His presence.

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