A fascinating insight into the rival religious communities of the early Christian church.

These apocryphal texts open a window to understanding the rival religious communities which coexisted with the early church. Written after the ministry of Christ and the apostles, these collections of writings speak contain stories about Jesus that were never part of the canonical Gospels, but nevertheless offer a fascinating glimpse into the world of the early church. These translations by Rick Brannan are perfect for use by students, scholars, and everyday Christians interested in early Christian apocrypha.

Lexham Classics are beautifully typeset new editions of classic works. Each book has been carefully transcribed or translated from the original texts, ensuring an accurate representation of the writing as the author intended it to be read.

This volume includes:

Infancy Gospels

  • The Protevangelium of James
  • The Infancy Gospel of Thomas

Passion Gospels

  • The Gospel of Peter
  • The Gospel of Thomas (Greek Fragments)
  • The Gospel of Nicodemus (Acts of Pilate) and the Descent of Christ to Hell
  • Post-Resurrection Gospels
  • The Gospel of Mary



  • Sayings in the Canonical New Testament outside of Gospels
  • Sayings in Additions to New Testament MSS
  • Sayings in the Apostolic Fathers
  • Sayings in Justin Martyr

Other Formats & Editions

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