Synopsis: Seventeen-year-old Sadie Robertson-star of A&Es Duck Dynasty and daughter of Willie and Korie Robertson-shares her outlook on life as she opens up about herself and the values that make her family what it is. Sadie Robertson represents everything that a well-adjusted teenager should be, even while growing up in the spotlight on Duck Dynasty . She exhibits poise, respect for her family and friends, and a faith that influences her choices. Everyone wants to know how a family as eclectic as the Robertsons are raising such confident, fun, family-loving kids. With this book, Sadie sheds light on the values instilled by her family that make her the person she is. Sadie lives by a simple list of principles that lead her to personal and spiritual growth and allow the relationships she has with her friends and family to flourish. These values include think happy, be happy; dream big; shake the hate; do something; and many more. Living as a culturally relevant teen who loves God and her family, Sadie has become a role model for other teens and for parents who are eager to instill the same characteristics in their children.

Other Formats & Editions

Scripture Shareables-32 Cards W/Carrying Case-Live Original
Sadie Robertson
October 2014
Live Original
Sadie Robertson
July 2015
Calendar-Live Original (Day Brightener)
Sadie Robertson
Spiral bound
August 2015
Live Original Devotional
Sadie Robertson
October 2016

More from Sadie Robertson

Live Original Devotional
Sadie Robertson
October 2016
Calendar-Live Original (Day Brightener)
Sadie Robertson
Spiral bound
August 2015
Live Original
Sadie Robertson
July 2015
Scripture Shareables-32 Cards W/Carrying Case-Live Original
Sadie Robertson
October 2014

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