Raise Your Children on a Rock-Solid Foundation

As children mature, it's important for parents to prepare for the unique changes and challenges that emerge in adolescence. With so many cultural pressures and influences vying for their attention, parents need the right tools to create an environment where teens can flourish in their faith.

In Parenting with Hope, Melissa directs parents toward their own walks with the Lord, encouraging them in their spiritual development and calling. Rather than dispensing parenting advice or prescribing lists of techniques, Melissa illuminates biblical principles for creating a home of faith, examines the battles parents may encounter, and highlights the blessings parents can offer to their children as they grow and mature.

Being the parent of a teenager is both hard work and heart work. Thankfully, God is active in the hearts of parents and teens and desires to see both flourish in their faith. In this timely book, parents will be equipped to cultivate a household based on God's love and truth, passing on a legacy of steadfast faithfulness to their teens.

Other Formats & Editions

Parenting with Hope Study Guide
Melissa Kruger
April 2024
Parenting with Hope
Melissa Kruger
April 2024

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