What would a reset look like for your church and community?
To reset something is, literally, to set it back to its original purpose and design. When an electronic device is functioning in a less-than-optimal way, it can be reset it so that whatever was stuck gets unstuck and all the connections can run smoothly again. Similarly, when life is functioning in a less-than-optimal way, it can be reset too. This happens first on the inside, where our deep-seated cravings for significance and satisfaction live. Content written by Nick Hall.
We can be fulfilled. We can be reset. We can be changed, because Jesus changes everything.
Launch a 4-week sermon series to lead your church members and visitors to experience the ultimate reset in their lives through these topics:
Week 1: Reset My Heart - It All Starts Here
Week 2: Reset My Mind - I Am What I Think About
Week 3: Reset My Voice - Good News for Bad Times
Week 4: Reset My Hands - Soul at Peace, Hands at Work
This kit contains:
Resource DVD with four sermon bumper videos
4 customizable sermons
Campaign Planning Guide
Web and social media graphics
A 4-week DVD-Based Study with Leader's Guide and participant's Study Guide
PowerPoint templates and bulletin insert template
Sample t-shirt
Sample invitation tools

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Reset Study Guide
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April 2016

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